Thursday, July 14, 2011

So.......once they up the dose of the 1 first chemo drug, almost instantly I had a reaction. Boy did I react.

I got the chills so bad that you'd think I was naked in the arctic. They had to stop the drug and give me demerol. The shaking continued for about a half hour. Not to mention they pulled every blanket out of the oven to cover me. They even brought something that look like a vacuum that pumped hot air under the blankets........It was bad and scary. Thank god for Colleen to walk me through it.....But I scared her something fierce. She didn't like it.

I had a fever of 39.6. They can't start the chemo again until my temp drops to under 38.

It has so I'm back on. Not sure if they will be able to get all the drugs into me. Keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Vik - have been thinking about you two all day! Let me know how and what to tell these little farts. They have gone strawberry picking with Carolyn all day - and for lunch and the rest.... probably drove Tom nuts in the store for a while. Miss you both (and the boys) - Hang tough, and we will all be sending you good thoughts and healthy vibes your way! Pamela and Rob
