Saturday, February 11, 2012

So I did get out late on Monday. Nice to be home. My portable meds were dropped off around 10:30 and the nurse showed up at 11 to hook me up. I have to wear the portable IV thingy till Tuesday. My arm is still killing me from all the IV's and blood draws. It wouldn't be fun unless they missed a couple of veins so my arm could swell up. Went for another blood test on Friday for the infection. Should find out in a couple of days if it's getting better. Saw my oncologist on Wed. blood tests are about the same. Haven't gotten all the results back from the biopsy's done when I had my colonoscopy. I see that doctor early in March. With everything that's happened my oncologist has put me off till at least my next visit with him, March 7th. On March 8th I will start my next part of chemo. It's a maintenance drug that will be done by IV once every 3 months for the next 2 years. This should keep my levels the same for a while and keep the lymphoma in check.

Funny story from the week in MSH (Markham Stouffville Hospital) emergency.  After one night in emerg, we were moved up to a room on the 3rd floor. We sure didn't miss the crazies running around in the middle of the night looking for the next fix. Even though I am covered for a semi private room we found ourselves in a private room. Great, but no bed for Colleen this time. More on that story later.....
Once we were settled, we were visited by Trish, Paula and Diana. We sat and chatted for a while. With the noise in the hall getting louder we closed one of the two doors I had (two doors??? for a hospital room??? keep reading)  About a half hour after we closed the door, my MALE night nurse came in to hook me up and get my vitals. Just before he came in, we all noticed he was in the room between my 2 doors getting dressed into some kinda smock with mask and gloves. When he finally came in, he lost his ever loving mind. "I'm in QUARANTINE!!!!!!" What are we doing in here without gowns and masks...." ARE WE NUTS"?????!!!! NO FOOD in the room is allowed out or it will be thrown out. So much for the swiss chalet from Colleen B. As he rushed everyone out, other than myself, to get their gear on. Trish and Paula left. They had bee there for a while now and thought it was a good time to get going. Diana stuck around and came back in with Colleen all dressed up ready to protect them from me or me from them. We're really not sure. After a long discussion, we didn't really care. Diana eventually left as did Colleen. Every nurse (mostly my MALE nurse) that came in after that was wearing 'the gear'. Not til the next day when the day shift cam in that we figured everything out.

Someone left the sign on the door (that we closed) from the person before me. They were under quarantine. To all my friends who came to visit and everyone in emerg. I'm not contagious, I am fine. Somewhat, anyway.

me in emerg

Di and Col in 'their gear'

blog soon, vic

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